Nikolas's school organized a little Thanksgiving party for parents as well as kids. I got to chat with a few moms when I wasn't dragging Nikolas away from the food table from which he kept grabbing crackers by handfulls. It's amazing how this kid (are all kids like this?) ends up choosing either crackers or cookies or some other junk food (pigs-in-a-blanket is another one of his top choices) over a healthier alternative, even if he had never had the junk version before and has no idea what it tastes like. I remember how excited he was about having chocolate before he even had the first bite. Now he asks for it every day and I give him either chocolate or healtified brownies or banana bread with chocolate chips. This week prior to Thanksgiving the teacher asked the kids what they were grateful for, and compiled a list of their answers. Nikolas was apparently grateful for bread :) Modest and real :)Like the two previous years, we spent this year's Thaksgiving in Orlando at aunt Anne and uncle Butch's house. Just like before, we all had a wonderful time--babies were safely exploring the house, Nikolas's attention was split between the TV in his own room where he immediately figured out how to play a DVD (!), the babies, the adults and the swimming pool where he swam once with daddy although it was pretty chilly. Here are Sonja and Michael enjoying the view from their exersaucers through a glass door onto the swimming pool and the golf course. Nikolas, returning from a swim: Kids with daddy: Nikolas is spinning Sonja in her walker: Smothering hug: Thanksgiving dinner: Sonja couldn't wait to get her hands on mommy's wine during Thanksgiving dinner!Sonja kisses Nikolas:
Michael makes funny faces:
Back at home after Thanksgiving, the babies ready for a meal:Playing together:
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