We went to a few Christmas parties. First, there was one organized by Robb's department:

Then there was a party with baby mamas, where Sonja and Michael got to try banana oatmeal cookies for the first time:

Here is our little girl, again, cruising along the sofa:

We spent Christmas Eve at Jen and David's place where we had a traditional Cuban dinner and the kids had a lot of fun playing together.
Daddy and Sonja:

Kiddie dinner (watch Michael stealing food off of that girl's plate!):

Michael now has her fork in his hand, too, and quite a handful of food in the other hand:

Michael with mommy:

Sonja with mommy:

Christmas day we spent at home opening presents and enjoying the kids!

Nikolas played mostly with Sonja and Michael's new toys--here he is riding Sonja's little car:

Nikolas has a quick and funny mind. Daddy was supposed to put him in bed one night and Nikolas overheard him say that he was so tired he'll go to sleep himself right away too (after one of his work all-nighters). Then I told Nikolas it was time to go brush his teeth and go to bed, and he immediately said, 'Daddy, go sleep'.
I'm trying to explain certain words to him, like klopka (trap) and ideja (idea). In the story about Little Red Riding Hood where it says that wolf trapped grandma, he keeps looking on the picture to understand what a trap is (for a while he was sure it was the slipper on the floor that fell off grandma's foot.) When I mention the word 'ideja', he says 'Branko Kockica kaze 'ideja' (a children songs singer says 'idea' in one of the songs on our CD.)
As Nikolas's favorite stories are still Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf, everything is about climbing into the chimney and burning the butt or tail. He now makes chimneys out of legos too, and improvises them out of other toys and throws stuffed animals on top of them so they'd 'burn their tails.'
Sonja now loves to grab Nikolas' s food off his tray. She was chewing a huge piece of turkey today at lunch before I noticed her!

She loves to grab food/water from Michael too and he sometimes tries to take it back and other times he'll grab a toy and make a lot of noise and show it off in front of her as if he's trying to distract her from what she had just taken from him. At other times the two little one play together beautifully. Sonja still waves her arms when she gets happy and excited and smacks Michael right on his head, her favorite target, as she giggles. He takes it for a while, and if she overdoes it, especially if she is holding a hard toy, he cries for help. But if he doesn't get hurt, he'll giggle back at her. Sonja's milder show of excitement and affection is leaning towards Michael with open arms like she'll smack him in the middle of his face, but she'd slow herself down in the last moment and gently place her hands on him and just touch his face with her open mouth or licks him a little (she does this to the rest of us too).
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