Sunday, December 6, 2009

Michael's second tooth, Nikolas sees Santa

Michael got his second bottom tooth (his left).
Nikolas went to Abbie's birthday party at Sun Country with other kids from the class. He had a blast jumping into a pool filled with sponges!
I finally saw him participating in a group game instead of defiantly playing on his own:
Birthday pizza and cake (Nikolas licked all the frosting off first!):
Right afterward the birthday party I took all three kids to our community holiday party at the clubhouse where Nikolas had an option to make a gingerbread man or to paint or to sit in Santa's lap and tell him that he was a good boy and that he wanted a bicycle for Christmas. Instead, he chose to circle around the food table and grab crackers, cookies and pigs-in-a-blanket... When we left and almost walked to our house, he said with a bit of panic: 'Treba da idemo nazad. Nisam rekao Deda Mrazu koji poklon hocu da Novu godinu!' ('Are we going back? I haven't told Santa what present I want!')

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