Michael got his second bottom tooth (his left).
Nikolas went to Abbie's birthday party at Sun Country with other kids from the class. He had a blast jumping into a pool filled with sponges!

I finally saw him participating in a group game instead of defiantly playing on his own:

Birthday pizza and cake (Nikolas licked all the frosting off first!):

Right afterward the birthday party I took all three kids to our community holiday party at the clubhouse where Nikolas had an option to make a gingerbread man or to paint or to sit in Santa's lap and tell him that he was a good boy and that he wanted a bicycle for Christmas. Instead, he chose to circle around the food table and grab crackers, cookies and pigs-in-a-blanket... When we left and almost walked to our house, he said with a bit of panic: 'Treba da idemo nazad. Nisam rekao Deda Mrazu koji poklon hocu da Novu godinu!' ('Are we going back? I haven't told Santa what present I want!')

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