Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas time

We went to a few Christmas parties. First, there was one organized by Robb's department:
Then there was a party with baby mamas, where Sonja and Michael got to try banana oatmeal cookies for the first time:
Here is our little girl, again, cruising along the sofa:
We spent Christmas Eve at Jen and David's place where we had a traditional Cuban dinner and the kids had a lot of fun playing together.
Daddy and Sonja:Kiddie dinner (watch Michael stealing food off of that girl's plate!):
Michael now has her fork in his hand, too, and quite a handful of food in the other hand:
Michael with mommy:
Sonja with mommy:
Christmas day we spent at home opening presents and enjoying the kids!
Nikolas played mostly with Sonja and Michael's new toys--here he is riding Sonja's little car:
Nikolas has a quick and funny mind. Daddy was supposed to put him in bed one night and Nikolas overheard him say that he was so tired he'll go to sleep himself right away too (after one of his work all-nighters). Then I told Nikolas it was time to go brush his teeth and go to bed, and he immediately said, 'Daddy, go sleep'.
I'm trying to explain certain words to him, like klopka (trap) and ideja (idea). In the story about Little Red Riding Hood where it says that wolf trapped grandma, he keeps looking on the picture to understand what a trap is (for a while he was sure it was the slipper on the floor that fell off grandma's foot.) When I mention the word 'ideja', he says 'Branko Kockica kaze 'ideja' (a children songs singer says 'idea' in one of the songs on our CD.)
As Nikolas's favorite stories are still Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf, everything is about climbing into the chimney and burning the butt or tail. He now makes chimneys out of legos too, and improvises them out of other toys and throws stuffed animals on top of them so they'd 'burn their tails.'

Sonja now loves to grab Nikolas' s food off his tray. She was chewing a huge piece of turkey today at lunch before I noticed her!
She loves to grab food/water from Michael too and he sometimes tries to take it back and other times he'll grab a toy and make a lot of noise and show it off in front of her as if he's trying to distract her from what she had just taken from him. At other times the two little one play together beautifully. Sonja still waves her arms when she gets happy and excited and smacks Michael right on his head, her favorite target, as she giggles. He takes it for a while, and if she overdoes it, especially if she is holding a hard toy, he cries for help. But if he doesn't get hurt, he'll giggle back at her. Sonja's milder show of excitement and affection is leaning towards Michael with open arms like she'll smack him in the middle of his face, but she'd slow herself down in the last moment and gently place her hands on him and just touch his face with her open mouth or licks him a little (she does this to the rest of us too).

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Nikolas uses scissors properly, crafts

I made an attempt last fall to teach Nikolas how to use scissors but it didn't work out the first couple of times and then I gave up because we could never hide from the babies to practice. Now that he plays with scissors at school for various projects, I discovered that he knows how to use them. He's been bringing a lot of projects from school where he either scribbled something with colored pencils or watercolor or glued stuff on paper, etc.
At home he now likes to walk into the kitchen to the espresso machine and stick his plastic cup under the spout to 'make his coffee' that he would 'share' with mommy and daddy.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Michael's second tooth, Nikolas sees Santa

Michael got his second bottom tooth (his left).
Nikolas went to Abbie's birthday party at Sun Country with other kids from the class. He had a blast jumping into a pool filled with sponges!
I finally saw him participating in a group game instead of defiantly playing on his own:
Birthday pizza and cake (Nikolas licked all the frosting off first!):
Right afterward the birthday party I took all three kids to our community holiday party at the clubhouse where Nikolas had an option to make a gingerbread man or to paint or to sit in Santa's lap and tell him that he was a good boy and that he wanted a bicycle for Christmas. Instead, he chose to circle around the food table and grab crackers, cookies and pigs-in-a-blanket... When we left and almost walked to our house, he said with a bit of panic: 'Treba da idemo nazad. Nisam rekao Deda Mrazu koji poklon hocu da Novu godinu!' ('Are we going back? I haven't told Santa what present I want!')

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Nikolas is quick to find reason to procrastinate going to bed:
Me: 'Nikolas, it' s time for bed.'
Nikolas: 'No, no, you and mommy wait a minute, I'm gonna go wash my hands.'

He loves the Disney cartoons The Big Bad Wolf and The Little Red Riding Hood that I have on a DVD that's been dubbed in Serbocroatian, but dubbed so badly that it's hard even for me to understand, but he doesn't care... he makes his own interpretation of what they are saying: when I knock on his door, he's been saying 'klian' (rhymes with Brian). I could not figure out for at least a month what he meant until it just recently hit me that it meant 'ko je?' (who is it?).
When I tell him the Little Red Riding Hood story at bedtime, he interrupts with comments:
'Nikolas je vidio vuka kako je skocio na krov i usao kroz dimnjak i pao na vatru i izgorio rep. Vuk je otisao do rijeke da potopi rep. Onda je dosao lovac i upucao vuka puskom. Tri praseta su pjevala "Ko se boji vuka jos, tri za gros, tri za gros, vuka se ne bojim ja, tra-la-la-la-la."' Vuk je dosao da pojede baku i baka se sakrila u ormar.' (Nikolas saw the wolf jump on the roof and get into the chimney and fall into the fireplace and burn his tail. Wolf ran to the river to cool his tail down. Then a hunter came and shot at the wolf, etc. etc....)
As if the cartoon is not enough, he asks me to read him these two stories, one after the other every single day before going to bed. In other stories in books he looks specifically for a wolf or pigs as the only two things that make the the story or a poem appealing. Clifford the Big Red Dog and The Cat in the Hat take the second place in Nikolas's interest.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mike's first tooth, Sonja's crossed fingers

Today Mike has gotten his first tooth: his bottom right (not visible on the photo).
Sonja's latest habit: she likes to cross her middle finger over her index finger. She even sometimes keeps them that way while she crawls!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving, etc.

Nikolas's school organized a little Thanksgiving party for parents as well as kids. I got to chat with a few moms when I wasn't dragging Nikolas away from the food table from which he kept grabbing crackers by handfulls. It's amazing how this kid (are all kids like this?) ends up choosing either crackers or cookies or some other junk food (pigs-in-a-blanket is another one of his top choices) over a healthier alternative, even if he had never had the junk version before and has no idea what it tastes like. I remember how excited he was about having chocolate before he even had the first bite. Now he asks for it every day and I give him either chocolate or healtified brownies or banana bread with chocolate chips.
This week prior to Thanksgiving the teacher asked the kids what they were grateful for, and compiled a list of their answers. Nikolas was apparently grateful for bread :) Modest and real :)Like the two previous years, we spent this year's Thaksgiving in Orlando at aunt Anne and uncle Butch's house. Just like before, we all had a wonderful time--babies were safely exploring the house, Nikolas's attention was split between the TV in his own room where he immediately figured out how to play a DVD (!), the babies, the adults and the swimming pool where he swam once with daddy although it was pretty chilly. Here are Sonja and Michael enjoying the view from their exersaucers through a glass door onto the swimming pool and the golf course.

Nikolas, returning from a swim:
Kids with daddy:
Nikolas is spinning Sonja in her walker:
Smothering hug:

Thanksgiving dinner:
Sonja couldn't wait to get her hands on mommy's wine during Thanksgiving dinner!Sonja kisses Nikolas:

Michael makes funny faces:

Back at home after Thanksgiving, the babies ready for a meal:Playing together: