Monday, April 1, 2013

James's first 'a-goo' word

James said his first 'a-goo' on March 31st.  Looking at him reminds me so much of Nikolas when he was this little.  He sleeps better though--doesn't require countless hours of bouncing on our feet with him in our arms so that he can fall asleep.  Thank you, James!

Nikolas, in the meantime, is testing authority and our limits in what we'd let him get away with.  This includes provoking Sonja as he teams up with Michael to the point where she is refusing to go down to the swing set with the two of them.  Also, while he is at the swings, he throws sand on Sonja and Michael and plays rough with Micheal which he loves until he gets hurt, and Nikolas just doesn't get that he is much heavier and stronger than his little brother.
He's been doing a lot of work on reading and writing, math, piano, some Spanish and, his favorite, Stratego, cards (tablich), some chess, putting LEGOs together according to the instructions on the box, creating pyramids, dinosaurs, etc. out of Tinker Toys, various structures out of wooden blocks, and now also playing some computer games (learning ones, usually).
Michael is starting to copy everything Nikolas is doing--unfortunately, that for now means things like saying gross things about food and refusing to eat, saying 'I can't concentrate, be quiet.' (Ne mogu da se koncentrisem!), pretending to have to go to the bathroom after we've read them stories and got them ready for bed, and asked multiple times whether anyone needed to use the bathroom--just to procrastinate going to bed.
Sonja is turning into a girly girl.  It's all school's influence.  She's been talking about girl vs. boy colors, showing how boys and how girls run, distinguishing between girl and boy toys, etc.  I don't like it, but I know she has to go through that phase at some point.  She is more cuddly too and especially gentle around the baby.  She loves to hold James, his head on the pillow on her lap, and she can stay still like that for half an hour.  She also helps me in changing diapers by handing me wipes and clean diapers.  Very sweet.


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