swallowed? Whatever happened, we never saw anything come out....
When he is awake, he looks around, smiles at us, loves being talked to and a-goo's back. He gives cute little shrieks when he gets too excited by someone's face. He giggles occasionally too. I didn't think a baby knew how to giggle at one month until he did it. He even makes all the sounds that I mentioned in his sleep.
How can he possibly be such a good baby!? He must be saving all the bad behavior for later!
Did I mention how huge James is?! I weighed him at a month and a half and he weighed 13 lbs! If pounds don't say anything, then the outfits do: he wears clothes for 6-9 months old babies. He is wearing now what Nikolas wore when he was a couple of months older--and Nikolas has always been in the 95% percentile for height. I wish I could hold a newborn a bit longer, but this definitely doesn't feel like a newborn....
Sonja is starting to show a bit of jealousy. She keeps touching his head when she is told not to, especially when she thinks no one is looking. And, on a separate note, she likes to clean between James's fingers and toes very thoroughly!--like a little monkey :) If she asks to hold James on her lap, and I don't let her, she gets mad at me (Ja sam ljuta na tebe, ja necu vise da ti pomazem da promijenis bebi pelenu, itd...) and storms away. The boys ask to hold James too, but they don't show any possessiveness and jealousy--yet.

Baka's visit:
Grandma and Grandpa stopped by on their way back from FL to Boston:
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