Sonja and Michael are both now examining and playing with their hands and grabbing toys.
Their mouths are foaming, which is probably the sign of teeth moving through their gums. This hasn't made them cranky yet and hopefully it won't hurt like it didn't hurt Nikolas.
Michael has already turned from his back onto his belly one night, and the rest of the time he turns laterally by up to 360 degrees. Sonja is better at keeping her head up when we put her on her belly. Neither likes belly time yet.

Nikolas, our house comedian, says he won't nap because he had already slept today and woke up this morning. We took him to see Cirque Du Soleil on Mothers' Day. We all loved it, he was curious about the acrobatics, although towards the end he fell asleep as it was his nap time. One of his favorite phrases is 'it's funny'/'to je smijesno'. He has a good sense of humor, although when he pokes a baby it's really not that funny...but most of the time, we have to give him credit, like when he takes a funny fall, or dances funny, or twists words in a funny way on purpose, etc. He likes to dictate us around, and I'm not sure how to deal with that yet. From telling us where to sit and what to play with him, to what he wants to eat and what should go 'back to fridge'.
A typical dinnertime conversation:
'Nikolas, would you like some meat?'
'No, no meat for Nikolas.'
'Ok, mommy will eat your meat.'
'Noooo, that's Nikolas's meat! Meat for Nikolas!'
And then he smears everything around the tray or plays with pieces calling them trucks...
He has given us nicknames: mama-mimmi, daddy-diddy, Nikolas-diddy, baka-bibi, deko-mlijeko (milk)....
Pictures from a baby playdate:

A closeup of pensive Michael:
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