Sonja used to be louder and used to grunt a lot, but she has mellowed down quite a bit and these days she spend most of the time eating and sleeping. When she is awake, she doesn't fuss much, and will spend 15-30min alone in the bed observing people or the mobile overhead (neither likes it when it turns and play music, only when one of us shuffles the hanging toys by hand) . She can even fall asleep on her own like that. Michael will talk to himself and look around, but eventually he'll get bored and cry to be picked up. He definitely spends more time awake. No wonder Sonja is surpassing his weight more and more, growing in her sleep. She now wears 6-month clothes size! She weighs about 13lb, and Michael 12lb.
They both smile at us widely, and wave their arms and legs when we show up above their crib.
Sonja is starting to notice her hands while she waves them in front of her face trying to stick a thumb in her mouth, and then she stops and checks them out like some toy.
Michael is still not too interested in his hands, but he loves the playmat and he stares at the toys hanging above him with more curiosity than Sonja does.


Both like to suck on their thumbs--Michael on his left and Sonja on her right thumb:

Nikolas still skips most of the naps since he yanked the curtain rod out of the wall! We are trying to figure out another way to keep the sun out of his room that won't also give him another choice in house demolition! Even without naps he is so unbelievably full of energy, and constantly gives us near heart attacks as we watch him stand on his high chair, throw himself on the sofa head first with his legs so high that I always expect them to flip over his neck, etc.
He is now having fun with the language and just made up nicknames for all of us: daddy-diddy, mama-mimi, Nikolas-diddy, deko-mlijeko, baka-bibby... He is a pro at switching subjects to distract us when we criticize him: we'd say, Nikolas, did you just throw that toy close to the baby, and he'll point to the window and say, look, there is a bird outside, the bird is looking for a mouse to eat for dinner....he is so going to be a lawyer when he grows up....
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