Nikolas is avoiding his daily naps. Maybe it's from too much excitement around babies and visitors at home or he is growing out of the need for extra sleep, anyway, he finds ways to entertain himself closed in his room for a couple of hours. When someone walks in to check on him, he just freezes where he is and pretends to be asleep with his eyes closed--be in spread on the floor or standing against a shelf of his toy cabinet, or wherever.... Here he is on his way down from the bed as baka caught him (on the cushion around his bed):

Sonja and Michael had their 2-week doctor's appointment: they gained a pound each compared to their birth weight and Sonja is only half a pound heavier although it feels like it's more than that! They are 20" long each.
The babies are already lifting their heads, Sonja especially. She looks like a parachuter when she lifts both her head and her legs at the same time. Also, she holds hers pretty still when she is carried upright too, it almost feels like she doesn't need neck support at all.

Here is mommy taking Sonja for her first walk outside (we are having the most beautiful weather here at the moment):

Michael must have been mad at me for not taking him first, so this is what I get:


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