Sonja and Michael aren't tiny helpless babies anymore--they've gotten so much bigger and stronger. They now observe us from a distance, consciously smile at us, purse their mouths as about to coo and lift their heads during belly-time. Just before they turned 6 weeks they had a couple of episodes of inconsolable crying in the evening, 9pm-1am. It looked like it was caused by gas although I've been extremely careful what I ate for their sake. Then, all of a sudden, they started sleeping a bit better (they didn't have to be held most of the night, or they would fall asleep on me or Robb and stay asleep for 2-3 hours at a time). It seems like around 6 weeks they had undergone through a growth spurt, which now I vaguely remember was the case with Nikolas too, that started with fussiness and was followed by better sleep habits and growth.
Here is Nikolas burping the babies:
Michael, holding his sister's hand even in sleep (his cheeks have filled in by now too):

Michael patiently and curiously watches his sister as she probably grunts and cycles with her legs while the picture is taken:
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