Nikolas's vocabulary and grammar are improving quickly these days. All of a sudden he speaks sentences. Besides reciting poems and songs, he now expresses himself in daily speech using full sentences, such as 'Mama, pusti bebu tu, dodji u sobu/Mommy, put the baby down and come to the room'. There are some funny constructs, of course, such as 'nece moze' (won't can), etc. He says 'ima/nema mlijeka itd.' when he wants/doesn't want to eat something on his tray. Also, when he doesn't want something on his tray, he'll send it back to the fridge, 'Ne, brokoli u frizider!' It's pretty funny the way he uses the demanding, matter-of-fact tone, and points to the fridge without even looking at it. He properly says 'thank you' and 'please'. We haven't yet taught him to use pronouns.
He can count to 20 (10-20 numbers are not necessarily in the right order, but he knows there is life beyond 10!)
A list of poems that he knows by heart (it's been a few months that he's known some of them):
Ala j' lep ovaj svet
Leptiricu sarenicu
Ima dete u selu, ime mu je Laza
Zima, zima e pa sta je
Eci, peci, pec
Sedi zaba sama na listu lokvanja
ABC song
Itsy, bitsy spider (he is working on that one now)