Stephen is standing more and more on his own, without realizing it. He is such a cuddly little thing-perfectly chubby, and likes to cuddle with us or with pillows, blankets, large stuffed animals....
He wobbles with both arms bent at elbows at his sides. While the trick is to give a new walker something to hold in the hands to make them think they are holding on to a stable object, this didn't work with Stephen. He wouldn't hold anyone's hand or anything in his hands, but likes to keep his balance with just moving his arms on the sides.
His favorite destinations are couch (grabbing for remote controls to press buttons and watch the lights turn on as he points the remote towards the TV); electronics (again, pushing buttons to turn lights on and off and to see the CD tray come out); his changing table (pulls all the clothes down to the floor, and also unzips the bag that holds his socks to pull the socks out); kitchen drawer that holds plastic containers (they have to be replaced at least a couple of times a day); kitchen drawer that holds cake sprinkles and extracts (shakes the sprinkles, of course, and plays with little extract bottles); bathrooms (as much as we keep him away, he sneaks there, too, and goes for the toilet water....)
Standing without holding on.... |
Just chillin' on the pillow |
Rummaging through his favorite kitchen drawer (where I keep cake sprinkles) |
Someone got caught! |
Stephen and Michael, dancing |
Stephen is getting started on the comic books, keeping up with his siblings. |
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