Saturday, December 30, 2017

Stephen's week 11

He's been talking to us for the past couple of weeks a lot.  Whenever he is lying down for a diaper change, or when one of us is in his face talking to him.  He enjoys it a lot!
I can't believe what an easy baby he is... maybe he'll turn around when he starts teething... and that may be happening soon: once he had discovered his thumb, he's been using it more and more as a pacifier and recently I've noticed that he's been drooling more.  Now that may be because of sucking his thumb (and a whole fist while he is looking for the thumb), or, which I really hope it's not the case yet, because of baby teeth starting to make their way. Whatever the reason, it hasn't made him cranky yet:  he wakes up around 7, shuffling in his bed, often grunting and pooping (his grunting noises are pretty entertaining to listen to), then I'd change him and feed him and put him in his chair in the living room from where he'd happily sit and look at us as we have breakfast.  Only when he gets sleepy will he start complaining, but as soon as I pick him up and either change him or feed him a bit more, he'll be asleep.  And if we were to go out of the house in the morning and he'd end up in the car seat, he wouldn't make noise for a few hours, just look around or sleep.  He is so unbelievably content.

 Just like Nikolas, when he was this age.... legs always attached up somewhere, on the sides of the stroller or chair...
 Fell asleep in the middle of the body pillow, thumb in his mouth and the hand grabbing his ear:

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