Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kids' annual dr. appt

height: 42" (90%), weight: 36lb (45%)
height: 35" (80%), weight: 25lb (45%)
height: 34" (45%). weight: 23lb (5%)

Michael is like a parrot now: Nikolas likes to tell him, Michael, say such and such, and he'll repeat it. He is pretty good! A lot of those words he probably doesn't know what they mean, but he knows to say 'Bopta (lopta) pala na pod' (A ball fell on the floor). He also calls for 'meko' (mlijeko)=milk, and voda (water). Still, when he wants food, he calls for 'meso' (meat). I guess I'd been pushing meat at him too much to gain some weight, so now that's his word for food! Then still he says 'baci' (throw) when he wants me to put him down, like when I pick him up to put him in bed.
He recently also started including the word 'necu!' (I don't want to!) He has to keep up with Sonja's incessant NO!'s.

Nikolas is now 100% potty trained. He's been sleeping in his underwear for the past couple of week instead of pull-ups, and it's been working flawlessly, after the first couple of mishaps.

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