Sonja fell out of the crib! Like a cat that she is, she survived without a scratch or a bruise. She was immediately by the door banging for someone to get her, a little scared, but soon as if nothing happened.
Nikolas got his first buzz cut with Robb's clippers. He looks so much older and more serious without his curls.

Mikica i Sonja both love saying 'three'. They've realized a couple of months ago that 'one, two, two and a half, three' means they'd better do what they are told (by watching Nikolas). They both listen when we start the count. Three is apparently their favorite number and Sonja will never omit showing her three fingers as she says it (the American way, with little, ring and middle finger).
Mikica knows how to say mlijeko (milk) and 'crocs' for shoes.
Sonja and Mikica are both obsessed with brushing their teeth! I can't even begin brushing their teeth before they steal the toothbrushes from me and run around the house with them. As they 'brush' they hum, immitating the electric toothbrushes :) Nikolas still hums too.

Nikolas told me as I was reading a book to him: 'Mi zivimo na zemaljskoj kugli, a oni (karakteri u knjizi) zive na knjizi!' (We live on Earth and they (characters in the book) live on the book.)
Around the house he has been riding his little car as a skateboard: he pushes off and then stands with both feet on it sideways just like he is on a skateboard--with perfect balance every time, of course!
Dressed up as a fireman:

A walk in a park:
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