Nikolas has been in a 2-week daily swim class that ends this week. For the first couple of lessons he didn't want to go in the water at first and kept crying to stay out with me. I had to drag him to the instructor. Luckily, the instructors were great and helped warm him up to swimming in the pool although every now and then he'd have a bad day and wanted me to sit right at the edge of the pool with him. He has been practicing blowing bubbles in the water with his entire face submerged, floating on his back, kicking and diving under water. Check out those tense pointed toes:

More water fun at the Splash Park:

Nikolas is also having his first T-ball practice this summer. Warm up:

Sonja walked up to Michael's crib and stuck her hands through the bars and tickled him saying something similar to 'gili-gili' which is what I say when I tickle them. So cute!
Nikolas likes to do this to both of them too and they love it, especially Sonja.
Michael loves climbing the couch and hanging out at the window above the couch:

Sonja, particularly excited about something (probably her favorite music):

Protecting her balloon from Nikolas (evil look!):
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