There is no truck that goes by Nikolas unnoticed: garbage, recycling, cement, gasoline, FedEx, for fixing electrical problems... ('kamion za smece, za reciklazu, za beton, za benzin, sto popravlja struju, FedEx'). At home he pretends to fill his trucks with gas using some string. He patiently waits while the gas pumps, very cute...
He likes to tell stories or string stories together as ideas come to him either from what he sees outside or what we read about in his books. He recently told me about alligators that swim in the water, about how it started to rain and then to storm ('poceo pljusak, pa onda oluja', ili, jos dramaticnije, 'kad ono--kisa!), and the alligators hid in the water.
Now when he sees clouds in the sky, he says there is electric charge (he says as I taught him, naelektrisanje u oblacima), so it will rain.
Also, as it gets dark at night, he says, Earth has turned away from the Sun so it's getting dark. Then he makes the round shape with his hands to show me Earth and how it's turning.
When I ask him what he wants for lunch, he lists chocolate cake, chocolate milk, chocolate yogurt, chocolate bread, chocolate juice :).
Since he loves chocolate so much, it's his treat after he poops in the potty, which has only happened a handful of times, and we are still working hard on it. So, as he loves to follow me to the bathroom, stand right next to me the whole time to watch the whole ordeal, turns the lights on and off for me and flushes, he'll appropriately ask if I'm going to get chocolate now?
He tells me several times a day, 'Mama, ja te puno volim!; (Mommy, I love you a lot!). He also constantly interrupts me with, Mama: (significant pause), bla, bla...
We talked with baka on Skype one day. He said baka was on the speakerphone (really she was on the laptop). Anyway, he imagined that we were just watching a video of baka so at some point he got bored and said he was done with watching baka and wanted to watch Sonja and Michael's video from the park. (Ja sam zavrsio sa gledanjem bake. Hocu sad da gledam Mikicu i Sonju u parku.)
The other day he closed the door to the lanai so that 'caterpillars, worms and butterflies wouldn't come in the house. Caterpillars, worms and butterflies are beautiful animals. I like them.' (Gusjenice, gliste i leptirovi su lijepe zivotinjice. Ja ih volim.')
One afternoon just as he woke up from his nap the first thing he saw was Mikica with a baloon. He said, ooh, what a beautiful baloon! ('Uuuu, sto je lijepi balon!')
Or, 'Ooh, am I a big boy! ('Uuu, sto sam ja veliki!'). This was one time when I found him on the changing table. He explained: 'Ooh, I'm so big, I jumped from the floor on top of the changing table. Then I fixed the wall there.' Then he noticed a tiny whole in the wall elsewhere from some painting that used to hang there: 'Oooh, I didn't fix that hole!' ('Ja sam jako veliki, uuu sto sam veliki, skocio sam s poda na sto. I onda sam tamo popravio zid.' Onda vidi rupu u zidu od neke slike sto je tu visila, pa rece, uh, nisam popravio onu rupu!)
During a meal, I told him, Nikolas, don't touch me with your dirty hands. He responded with, But mom, I'm touching you because I love you! ('Ali mama ja tebe diram zato sto te volim!)
His latest funny line: 'Mama, ti mene zezas!' (Mom, you are messing with me!)
Also, with a more serious tone: 'Mama, sad ja pricam, nije tvoj red da pricas.' ('Mom, I'm talking now, it's not your turn to talk.')
Baseball: he doesn't want to participate in practice but will cheer and clap from the side. Robb had to be right next to him during every practice.
Swimming: the water was too cold that he was shivering within 10min, but he goes and kicks and dives... though with a lot of resistance and stiffness.
Piano: he is comfortable after a month with the teacher to the point that today he wouldn't stop banging on the keys and the teacher had to distract him and bring his mind back to the lesson. Sonja and Michael hit the keys whenever they can squeeze in by the piano and LOVE it. Sonja dances to the melodies too.