Baka and Nikolas took off for St Pete's the day after Christening. Deko, babies and I joined them a few days later, actually the same day our nanny, teta Divna, flew back home! We'll miss her a lot!
Our condo was right on the beach so it was no problem getting the kids down. I even managed to carry the twins back and forth by myself, while baka and deko took care of the canopy that provided wonderful shade so that we could practically stay at the beach all day!

Nikolas and baka were best buddies, swimming in the ocean, playing in the sand, chasing and feeding the birds, looking at kites that some people flew nearby (Nikolas kept searching for them and talking about them, but as soon as he saw one in the air, he'd get scared of it, we never figured out why??? Same way he gets scared of helium baloons when they come close...), looking at jet-skis (as Nikolas calls them, decki ('guys' in Serbocroatian)).

Good place to learn how to eat cherries and throw the pits out without making mommy have to clean up:

Baka also took him to the swimming pool too to let him jump in the water. He figured out that if he pulls his knees to his chest, he won't sink as deep. He still doesn't mind being completely submerged.
He is such a boy: when he talks about a kite, for example, the story would be 'Nikolas vidio zmaja. Zmaj leti visoko, onda padne, kaboom, i pukne' meaning 'Nikolas saw a kite. The kite flies high, then kaboom, fall down and breaks.' This is followed with the hand motions, up and down and bang for the fall. Everything now has to fall and, kaboom, break.
He is learning the song, 'Vi, vi, vi'. His version is 'Vi, vi, vi/Vi, vi, vi/Na strazi smo mi/Ko j' bez puske/Nece lovac dodje. Hehehehe! (laughs!)
One funny event:
Nikolas slept in the same room with deko. One day when he was supposed to be taking a nap, he decided to rummage through deko's luggage. There he found an unopened bag of cookies from an airplane--he opened the bag precisely along the edge and ate all of the cookies. How he did it, none of us have any clue!

Sonja and Michael were drowsed by the ocean air, sounds and views that they slept really well during the day. Usually they'd sleep for a hour or more at the beach so that I could swim :), and then again after lunch, for 2-3 hours at a time. Sonja has been in a great mood upon awakening: she yelled her a-ha's and brrrr's and just plain screamed with happiness every time she woke up (including at 6/7am....). Michael has kept his voice lower than Sonja's but we heard his ma's and ba's a lot too. He's been more active physically, turning over so skillfully and pulling his butt up in the air that we are just waiting for a moment that we can officially call a crawl.
Sometimes he makes it almost impossible to hold him down and change his diaper.
Another thing with Michael, he's been waking up to eat 4x/day for a few days! Must be a start of a major growth spurt.

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