Tuija and I:

On Wednesdays we've been going to kids's movies: these were Nikolas's first movies, not to mention his first visits to a movie theater. He patiently sat through them for the first hour, and then, he'd suddenly decide he had seen enough and he'd ask to go home. A couple of times we extended the movie trip by meeting daddy for coffee in the neighborhood or going out to lunch with Jyoti, Aagneya and daddy too.
Pretense play:
At home, Nikolas has been getting creative with his pretense play. The pillows on the couches are his butterflies that he flies above his head, or trucks, the bar stools are either trucks or blocks that he arranges to make trains etc., his food pieces are trucks or dogs or kites.... He takes the baby blanket that's folded to be carried like a bag and says, Nikolas ide u gym (Nikolas is going to the gym.) He also sometimes puts on Robb's baseball hat and his work shoes and says, Nikolas ide na posao (Nikolas is going to work.) What he also started doing is when he sees a picture of something edible in his books or when he pretends that a pillow is a cake, he'll lick it. He's been licking Sonja and Michael's faces too... I don't know what's up with all that licking....
Here are all three (Sonja and Michael must have gotten good licks by Nikolas as I was taking pictures):

His sentences are getting longer and more complex and his vocabulary is expending faster than I can follow. Sometimes I wonder where he learned some word, for example, we fed carrots to some horses with Kathy and her kid, and after that he said, Nikolas jase konja (Nikolas is riding a horse.) I have no idea where he learned the word 'ride' since he's never done it and we were just feeding the horses. He said to me once, pulling a chair next to mine, Nikolas ce da sjedne pored mame da mama cita knjigu (Nikolas will sit next to mommy so that mommy will read a book), which I thought was impressively long.
He dribbles his mini basketball like a pro! Again, no idea where he learned it (he never watches TV), but just a few months ago he was still practicing simply catching a ball that was thrown to him, and now he is bouncing it off the floor and catching it 9/10 times.
New tricks:
During naptime he calls us saying that he pooped and needed to be changed when he hasn't pooped, just to get attention. Sometimes he does poop though...
When I'm about to pick up the babies to feed them, he regularly yells, Nikolas hoce da jede, ostavi bebu (Nikolas wants to eat, leave the baby!)
At night I always carry Nikolas to the light switch to let him turn the light off, and as he brings his finger close to the switch, he always says, mama?, prompting me to reach for the switch, and when I do, he then quickly turns the light off himself, giggling. Same with the garage door switch. He loves to joke around! He does this with the food too, offers a piece and just as you are about to eat it from his hand he pulls it away and giggles.
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