1. Sonja and Michael are both struggling with teething pains.
2. Last night, for the first time, neither Sonja nor Michael woke up to eat in the middle of the night from 9pm until 8am. (As I read this blog a couple of weeks later, I have to correct myself and note that the all-night sleep was an isolated event--they still wake up at 12/1am and then again at 5:30/6am, usually only Sonja for the second feeding).
Teething or what?

Nikolas's cuteness is proportional to the amount of attention he is getting. When the babies get the most of it and mommy isn't able to grow five arms to handle everyone, he yells, cries, hits his head against the floor....he can also sneak up to a baby in an instant when no one is looking and slap it out of jealousy. When he knows he'll be criticized, he says 'Budi dobar!' ('Be good!'), which is what we tell him way too frequently.
Our major focus is on the balance between babies' needs and Nikolas's entertainment. When he is happy, he is the best kid in the world! And really, it's not very hard to make him feel attended to: just talk with him about the animals in the backyard or fish at the pond where we took him fishing (where he might have actually killed a few fish by smacking the fishing pole on the water), read him a book (for the past week he's been sitting more peacefully when one reads him a book and going through pages and talking about the pictures instead of climbing on the reader--he also selects poems or stories and says, we've read that one, read me this one, etc.), play some music and dance with him, tickle him and talk with him on the floor at his eye level. I've discovered that being at his eye level changes the depth of our communication: he feels more grown-up so he makes his tone more serious and calm and his sentences and stories extra long: 'Nikolas ide u sobu da se igra sa blokovima'(Nikolas is going to the room to play with blocks,) or 'Nikolas je vidio orlove u zoloskom vrtu i pauna sa pilicima' (Nikolas saw eagles in the zoo, and a peacock with chicks.)
He is *constantly* talking or singing. Now not only does he recite songs and poems in Serbocroatian but he has also memorized several Mother Goose songs that daddy reads to him often. He also likes to show off counting to 20, and to be funny he invents little rhymes like those nicknames that he has made for us plus more that doesn't always make much sense but it makes him and us laugh (he'll point out that it's funny in case we are not sure what he is saying!)
We find Nikolas on every piece of furniture that he can climb, and he also likes pulling all the pillows off the couches and piling them on the floor to make a little gym for himself. Every now and then he'll throw in a 'yoga' pose (this is what he learned as yoga almost a year ago! I plan to teach him some real stuff.)

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