Thursday, Feb. 12thOur twins were born!
Sonja Marie (7lbs 2oz) and Michael Thomas (6lb 11oz) joined us 8:40am. They were amazingly healthy and big babies. It took them no time to nurse like pros and sleep for 3 hours at a time, which mommy especially appreciated. I've had a quick recovery and stopped taking painkillers by the time I left the hospital on Sunday. Not bad for delivering twins.

The next day baka Biljana came from LA to visit us just in time to see the newborns, and to be there for Nikolas's and my birthday. Perfect timing. Grandma, grandpa, Lisa and the boys came up from Naples as well.

Nikolas came to see his little brother and sister at the hospital. He kept reaching for them to kiss them on their faces and heads and to hug them--we had to watch him nonstop to make sure he didn't hurt them accidentally although he was being very gentle. He has a soft spot for babies, it's very cute. However, soon he realized that mommy wouldn't (couldn't) lift him up when he asked for it but that she kept holding these cute little babies, so his expression changed to puzzlement about what happened to mommy's 100% attention to him.

The following week we spent at home. The babies sleep and eat well and within a week they are back their birth weight. Sonja has outgrown all her newborn clothes. At the 2-week doctor's appointment, they each gained exactly a pound from their birth weight and are both 20 inches long.
I'm more comfortable handling them, burping them while supporting them by the jaw only, etc. They are better at latching on than Nikolas was. There is something to say about second and subsequent babies, it gets much easier.
Michael (L) and Sonja (R):


February 23rd: Nikolas's birthday!We celebrated it at home, with the entire afternoon devoted to opening the presents. Nikolas even ignored the cake that baka made for him and asked to get out of high chair to continue playing with his new toys.

Baka and the kids:
Here is Nikolas and baka at the butterfly museum, one of the two Nikolas's favorite places (along with the zoo).

Baka and our nanny Divna who is about to save our lives with her wonderful help!

Our expanded family:

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