'mo'= milk/mlijeko
'pape'= slippers/pape, as well as socks
'baby' = baby
'no' = nose/nos (accompanied by index finger going up the nose)
'buh' = 'book'
'bye-bye' (always accompanied by wave of the hand)
'tutu' = truck/kamion
'bibi' = something like the above (car or truck); I'm not sure which one refers to what to him.
And the cutest of all is 'kabuka-buka' = apple/jabuka
He just starting saying 'gotov' (done-with meal or a toy...). He says it pretty well, actually.
He also understands 'ptica' (bird), 'vjeverica' (squirrel), giraffe, 'avion' (plane), 'voda' (water), 'knjiga' (book).
If I say 'outside' (vani, napolje), he immediately knows what I'm talking about, gets very excited, runs to find his socks and starts pointing out with both hands like this:
Here is one of his favorite toys--the diaper box. He loves being swirled around the floor in it by daddy or mommy, aim and throw balls into it, hang out and play inside by himself....
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