As a side note, today he stood up and walked across the living room on his own. It was not just a few wobbly steps this time, it was a real walk :) He is getting much better at getting up on his feet. Usually he sticks his butt up as he stands on his feet and hands, legs straight (as if he was watching mommy doing the upward dog yoga pose), and then he shifts his weight onto his feet until his arms float up. He also gets up from sitting on his heels, usually when he is holding something in his hands.
OK, another side note: last night he was giving me his cup to drink from it, holding it still as I drank, and today he was feeding me his Cheerios. He thought it was so much fun and at the same time he looked a bit proud of himself for doing what the adults do to him.
I took this picture after Cynthia recently commented that it must be a Moore gene that all kids like to sit with their feet crossed! I paid attention since then, and yes, Nikolas always crosses his feet when he sits either on the floor or on a chair.
I can't help adding a video of what he does whenever I feed him from a bowl. I don't let him touch the bowl to keep the mess to a minimum, but he persistently tries to get it closer to his reach:
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