All three of us arrived in Seattle together--Robb continued for Alaska for work and Nikolas and I stayed with Sanja, Darko and Mia. Little cousins got to meet each other for the first time :) It was adorable to watch them check each other out and communicate in their own way.
Nikolas woke me up in the middle of the night: he was on his belly, reaching for his food by himself! He would nurse for a few seconds, then he'd lower his head to rest for a few more, and then back for more food! It was unbelievable!!!! From this day on, he is finally enjoying being on his belly during play time as well. He hasn't really been a fan of tummy-time so far and would complain within 5min. Now, however, he rolls over to his tummy as soon as he is placed on the mat and starts reaching for toys. Tags are now becoming the most interesting plaything to him to twiddle between his fingers and to put in his mouth, and also those little flaps on the mat that 'simulate' plastic wrappers covered with fabric so it's safe for babies. He loves the sound that crunching of the plastic makes. Teething must be getting worse these days so Sanja got him a few new vibrating teethers that massage his gums. He loves them just as much as he loves biting my chin (ahh, that hurts now!).
July 27th
Sanja has Fridays off so we took a walk to downtown Kirkland with the babies and sat in her favorite cafe there. The weather was just perfect for being outside! Later in the day we visited her dental practice.
Check out the cousins looking at each other!
I spent the week at home with Mia's nanny Amy who is a babies' favorite! Both Mia and Nikolas loved her. Amy and I played with the babies and took a bunch of pictures as it was too sunny during the day to take them out (what a gorgeous weather though!). Nikolas was extremely nice to Mia--he is never as gentle with the adults--he would smile at her and slowly touch her hand (while he would go for my nose or eyes or chin if I were at the same distance).
I've been expecting to see the first tooth recently, but that hasn't happened yet. He is crankier than usual, especially at night before going to bed and I have to carry him around to calm him down. He is great during the day though. As soon as I place him on the playmat he turns to his tummy and plays with toys. He loves to feel different textures, especially those crunchy plastic flaps on the playmat. He regularly tries to snatch paper towels from my hand as well as a glass or a cup (he would be able to jump out of my hands into the sink when he sees running water, if I only held him less tightely!). There is no end to child's curiosity!
Baby talk:
'Ok, I'm going back to chewing mommy's chin...'
Robb is back from Alaska. We took a walk downtown first by ourselves and then again with Sanja, Darko and Mia. Cafe Oriel staff knows us by name already. On the way back we stopped at the marina to look at the sunset.
And finally, a short video of Nikolas practicing his vocal chords--I love this one!
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