Here is a photo as well as a link to the video further down:
Monday, August 27, 2007
Today we tried oatmeal for the first time. Just like the rice cereal, Nikolas loved it! I bought a 'Magic Bullet' to process his food and it worked really nicely for the home-made oatmeal. At first I processed the oatmeal once it was cooked with water, but now I process it dry and then just mix it with some hot water and add breast milk when it cools off.
Here is a photo as well as a link to the video further down:
Here is a photo as well as a link to the video further down:
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
New sleep pattern, new movements and lack (bowel) thereof
For the past two nights he went to bed at 11pm or midnight and slept until 10am without waking up! Mommy caught up on her sleep, finally!
He is now pulling himself onto his knees and hands at the same time, getting ready for the real crawl. When he does this, he usually rocks to and fro a few times shoving his head into one of his soft toys (especially popular is the new teddy bear he got from Aida). He still mostly moves by 'military crawl' where he pulls himself mostly with his arms and goes forward, backward or sideways (that's a funny one, he always leaves one leg behind so he ends up in a split for a little before he pulls both legs together).
I haven't given him any rice cereal since two days ago, and I noticed too that he hasn't pooped since then either.... I guess his belly is still confused.
Where is Nikolas?
There he is!
Sitting up on his own has been mastered since the very beginnings in Seattle:
Pulling himself up on his knees:
The usual inquisitive expression:
Some serious play:
He is now pulling himself onto his knees and hands at the same time, getting ready for the real crawl. When he does this, he usually rocks to and fro a few times shoving his head into one of his soft toys (especially popular is the new teddy bear he got from Aida). He still mostly moves by 'military crawl' where he pulls himself mostly with his arms and goes forward, backward or sideways (that's a funny one, he always leaves one leg behind so he ends up in a split for a little before he pulls both legs together).
I haven't given him any rice cereal since two days ago, and I noticed too that he hasn't pooped since then either.... I guess his belly is still confused.
Where is Nikolas?
Sunday, August 19, 2007
First solid food!
He did it today! We gave him a little bit of rice cereal with breast milk, just about a full teaspoon of dry cereal. He started reaching for the spoon with his hands and feet as soon as I brought it close to him, and when I put the spoon in his mouth he already knew exactly what to do. He ate it all in 5min or so and would have had more but we thought it was enough for the start. I expected him to spit and spritz the food all over the place, but he barely got any down his chin and on his bib.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Sleep training
There are many theories about when parents should begin with sleep training of the baby. Most of them suggest to start letting the baby 'cry it out' between 4th and 6th month and that this method should work within a few days. We should expect to handle about an hour of constant crying for at least a day or two until he learns that being placed in the crib means that he should go to sleep.
Well, now that he is almost 6 months old and very strong both physically emotionally, we thought it would be a good time for to try the routine. If nothing else, during our travels he's gotten so used to sleeping in the same bed with mommy and nursing all night long whenever he felt like it, that he should at least get back to the crib even if we had to place him there when he was already asleep. So last night we put him in the crib when he was tired but still awake--Robb sang him songs for a while and Nikolas actually fell asleep! That was the first time that he didn't fall asleep in our arms or while nursing!
Today when it was time for a mid-day nap, we tried it again: he whined on and off for about 10min and then fell asleep on his tummy!
Just now before his night-time sleep I fed him and put his in the crib and although he was semi-aware that I was putting him down he didn't even cry but continued to sleep! Unbelievable; he used to fuss so much when he'd catch me putting him down and I'd have to pick him up immediately and carry him around until he was sleeping solidly.
If this is what 'crying it out' is for Nikolas, we are the luckiest parents!!!
Other updates:
Our boy finally has some noticeable hair on his head :)
He is starting to babble even more. Yesterday he cheered Robb up with 'dada', and he has these long talking sessions with a serious tone that sound like he is actually holding a conversation, where he says everything he can say by now.
He learned to stick his tongue out all the way just for fun. It used to be just a bit while he was saying 'bbbb', but now he thinks it's funny to stick it out all the way to almost touch the tip of his chin :) I have to catch this on a photo, it's too funny.
Well, now that he is almost 6 months old and very strong both physically emotionally, we thought it would be a good time for to try the routine. If nothing else, during our travels he's gotten so used to sleeping in the same bed with mommy and nursing all night long whenever he felt like it, that he should at least get back to the crib even if we had to place him there when he was already asleep. So last night we put him in the crib when he was tired but still awake--Robb sang him songs for a while and Nikolas actually fell asleep! That was the first time that he didn't fall asleep in our arms or while nursing!
Today when it was time for a mid-day nap, we tried it again: he whined on and off for about 10min and then fell asleep on his tummy!
Just now before his night-time sleep I fed him and put his in the crib and although he was semi-aware that I was putting him down he didn't even cry but continued to sleep! Unbelievable; he used to fuss so much when he'd catch me putting him down and I'd have to pick him up immediately and carry him around until he was sleeping solidly.
If this is what 'crying it out' is for Nikolas, we are the luckiest parents!!!
Other updates:
Our boy finally has some noticeable hair on his head :)
He is starting to babble even more. Yesterday he cheered Robb up with 'dada', and he has these long talking sessions with a serious tone that sound like he is actually holding a conversation, where he says everything he can say by now.
He learned to stick his tongue out all the way just for fun. It used to be just a bit while he was saying 'bbbb', but now he thinks it's funny to stick it out all the way to almost touch the tip of his chin :) I have to catch this on a photo, it's too funny.
Friday, August 10, 2007
July 25th
All three of us arrived in Seattle together--Robb continued for Alaska for work and Nikolas and I stayed with Sanja, Darko and Mia. Little cousins got to meet each other for the first time :) It was adorable to watch them check each other out and communicate in their own way.
Nikolas woke me up in the middle of the night: he was on his belly, reaching for his food by himself! He would nurse for a few seconds, then he'd lower his head to rest for a few more, and then back for more food! It was unbelievable!!!! From this day on, he is finally enjoying being on his belly during play time as well. He hasn't really been a fan of tummy-time so far and would complain within 5min. Now, however, he rolls over to his tummy as soon as he is placed on the mat and starts reaching for toys. Tags are now becoming the most interesting plaything to him to twiddle between his fingers and to put in his mouth, and also those little flaps on the mat that 'simulate' plastic wrappers covered with fabric so it's safe for babies. He loves the sound that crunching of the plastic makes. Teething must be getting worse these days so Sanja got him a few new vibrating teethers that massage his gums. He loves them just as much as he loves biting my chin (ahh, that hurts now!).

July 27th
Sanja has Fridays off so we took a walk to downtown Kirkland with the babies and sat in her favorite cafe there. The weather was just perfect for being outside! Later in the day we visited her dental practice.
Check out the cousins looking at each other!

July 28-August 2nd
I spent the week at home with Mia's nanny Amy who is a babies' favorite! Both Mia and Nikolas loved her. Amy and I played with the babies and took a bunch of pictures as it was too sunny during the day to take them out (what a gorgeous weather though!). Nikolas was extremely nice to Mia--he is never as gentle with the adults--he would smile at her and slowly touch her hand (while he would go for my nose or eyes or chin if I were at the same distance).
I've been expecting to see the first tooth recently, but that hasn't happened yet. He is crankier than usual, especially at night before going to bed and I have to carry him around to calm him down. He is great during the day though. As soon as I place him on the playmat he turns to his tummy and plays with toys. He loves to feel different textures, especially those crunchy plastic flaps on the playmat. He regularly tries to snatch paper towels from my hand as well as a glass or a cup (he would be able to jump out of my hands into the sink when he sees running water, if I only held him less tightely!). There is no end to child's curiosity!

Baby talk:
Mia is saying something funny....
Nikolas wants to say something too but gets distracted by Mia's hair...
'Nikolas, stop eating my hair, yuck!'
'Ok, I'm going back to chewing mommy's chin...'

August 3rd
Robb is back from Alaska. We took a walk downtown first by ourselves and then again with Sanja, Darko and Mia. Cafe Oriel staff knows us by name already. On the way back we stopped at the marina to look at the sunset.

And my two favorite pictures:

And finally, a short video of Nikolas practicing his vocal chords--I love this one!
All three of us arrived in Seattle together--Robb continued for Alaska for work and Nikolas and I stayed with Sanja, Darko and Mia. Little cousins got to meet each other for the first time :) It was adorable to watch them check each other out and communicate in their own way.
Nikolas woke me up in the middle of the night: he was on his belly, reaching for his food by himself! He would nurse for a few seconds, then he'd lower his head to rest for a few more, and then back for more food! It was unbelievable!!!! From this day on, he is finally enjoying being on his belly during play time as well. He hasn't really been a fan of tummy-time so far and would complain within 5min. Now, however, he rolls over to his tummy as soon as he is placed on the mat and starts reaching for toys. Tags are now becoming the most interesting plaything to him to twiddle between his fingers and to put in his mouth, and also those little flaps on the mat that 'simulate' plastic wrappers covered with fabric so it's safe for babies. He loves the sound that crunching of the plastic makes. Teething must be getting worse these days so Sanja got him a few new vibrating teethers that massage his gums. He loves them just as much as he loves biting my chin (ahh, that hurts now!).
July 27th
Sanja has Fridays off so we took a walk to downtown Kirkland with the babies and sat in her favorite cafe there. The weather was just perfect for being outside! Later in the day we visited her dental practice.
Check out the cousins looking at each other!
I spent the week at home with Mia's nanny Amy who is a babies' favorite! Both Mia and Nikolas loved her. Amy and I played with the babies and took a bunch of pictures as it was too sunny during the day to take them out (what a gorgeous weather though!). Nikolas was extremely nice to Mia--he is never as gentle with the adults--he would smile at her and slowly touch her hand (while he would go for my nose or eyes or chin if I were at the same distance).
I've been expecting to see the first tooth recently, but that hasn't happened yet. He is crankier than usual, especially at night before going to bed and I have to carry him around to calm him down. He is great during the day though. As soon as I place him on the playmat he turns to his tummy and plays with toys. He loves to feel different textures, especially those crunchy plastic flaps on the playmat. He regularly tries to snatch paper towels from my hand as well as a glass or a cup (he would be able to jump out of my hands into the sink when he sees running water, if I only held him less tightely!). There is no end to child's curiosity!
Baby talk:
'Ok, I'm going back to chewing mommy's chin...'
Robb is back from Alaska. We took a walk downtown first by ourselves and then again with Sanja, Darko and Mia. Cafe Oriel staff knows us by name already. On the way back we stopped at the marina to look at the sunset.
And finally, a short video of Nikolas practicing his vocal chords--I love this one!
Christening in Boston
July 17th
The flight to Boston was pretty challenging. Nikolas remained very active during the entire time. We took turns bouncing him our our laps or walking him to the back of the plane. He just had to see and 'talk' to everyone :) It would have been more fun for me and Robb if we didn't have to get up at 4am that morning and change planes too.
As we arrived around noon, we had a full day to spend with the family and then also to visit Scott and Michelle for dinner and some live entertainment by our favorite guitar band (Scott and Robb). Nikolas must have gotten pretty exhausted by the end of the day: he slept from 11pm-7am that night as well as the next without waking up!

We are staying at Tom and Lisa's in Medfield. Nikolas is a big boy now and prefers to turn and sleep completely on his side. I have to mention that he fully takes advantage of the middle spot in bed between mommy and daddy to the extent that he managed to push mommy off the bed once.
We borrowed a couple of Sean's favorite toys when he was Nikolas' age: one was a bouncer that one attaches to the door frame, and the other is a bouncer that sits on the ground with a bunch of toys all around the baby to play with (ExerSaucer)! It's so much fun to watch him brighten up when he gets inside either toy and then starts jumping wildly!!!! He also has this special focused expression on his face as he explores the little toys around the ExerSaucer (when he is not jumping and shrieking to the rhythm of the songs). I can't tell which one Nikolas loves more, but as soon as we put then in either one he screams out of happiness and starts jumping wildly!

July 19th
Aida and Frank arrived from Germany while the family was at the Red Sox game. Steve got 28 seats together for the game!
July 20th
Aida, Frank, Robb, Nikolas and I went to Boston downtown to check out USS Constitution and to get coffee in the North End. We didn't stay long since Tom and Lisa organized BBQ in Nikolas's honor that we had to join for at least a bit, although we already had plans to visit Vlado and Ivana for dinner (what a fun and busy day!). My parents arrived this morning as well, so we got to see them in Medfield briefly when we returned from Boston and before we drove off to Lexington where Vlado and Ivana live.
It was great to see the Stojanovic family! Marko and Marija have grown so much: Marija is 7 and Marko 5, and they are such well brought-up kids. Vlado is enjoying teaching at MIT and Ivana her Ph.D. We chatted away until almost 1am!

July 21st
The whole Moore family, my parents, Aida and Frank, and Scott and Michelle joined us for Nikolas's christening in Wellesley. He was such a good boy during the ceremony.
Afterwards we all went to Grandma and Grandpa Moore's house for a lobster cookout in they backyard and spent the rest of the day there in beautiful weather. The family noticed what joy Nikolas takes in being bounced on his feet. The boy is an exercise machine! He loves jumping and shows it by smiling these huge smiles and yelling out shrills of pure excitement.
Scott thought that WE did the work in bouncing him until he picked him up himself and realized that it was really Nikolas who did all the work in jumping and wouldn't stop for hours if we let him!!!!!

July 22nd
Robb went to a conference for a couple of days and Aida, Frank, Nikolas and I drove to Boston this morning to meet with my parents and see the city. We started out in Copley Square, visited the park at the end of it where we met with Atosa, Omid and their baby Amiti. Later in the day my parents drove off to the airport and the rest of us took a guided bus tour around the city. Nikolas was surprisingly calm sitting in his car seat on the bus or in my arms, but eventually he did get bored and played by snatching my glasses! They were so close to flying out the window too if Aida hadn't saved them! We ended the night in some Italian restaurant in the North End.

July 23rd
It's Robb's and my wedding anniversary and Nikolas's 5th month!
Too bad Robb is still in Ottawa. Nikolas and I spent a relaxing day in Wellesley with Grandma, Grandpa, Lisa and little Sean. Sean and Nikolas are old buddies by now. Sean calls him 'baby' and looks for him as soon as he wakes up every morning, it's very cute.
The flight to Boston was pretty challenging. Nikolas remained very active during the entire time. We took turns bouncing him our our laps or walking him to the back of the plane. He just had to see and 'talk' to everyone :) It would have been more fun for me and Robb if we didn't have to get up at 4am that morning and change planes too.
As we arrived around noon, we had a full day to spend with the family and then also to visit Scott and Michelle for dinner and some live entertainment by our favorite guitar band (Scott and Robb). Nikolas must have gotten pretty exhausted by the end of the day: he slept from 11pm-7am that night as well as the next without waking up!
We are staying at Tom and Lisa's in Medfield. Nikolas is a big boy now and prefers to turn and sleep completely on his side. I have to mention that he fully takes advantage of the middle spot in bed between mommy and daddy to the extent that he managed to push mommy off the bed once.
July 19th
Aida and Frank arrived from Germany while the family was at the Red Sox game. Steve got 28 seats together for the game!
July 20th
Aida, Frank, Robb, Nikolas and I went to Boston downtown to check out USS Constitution and to get coffee in the North End. We didn't stay long since Tom and Lisa organized BBQ in Nikolas's honor that we had to join for at least a bit, although we already had plans to visit Vlado and Ivana for dinner (what a fun and busy day!). My parents arrived this morning as well, so we got to see them in Medfield briefly when we returned from Boston and before we drove off to Lexington where Vlado and Ivana live.
It was great to see the Stojanovic family! Marko and Marija have grown so much: Marija is 7 and Marko 5, and they are such well brought-up kids. Vlado is enjoying teaching at MIT and Ivana her Ph.D. We chatted away until almost 1am!
July 21st
The whole Moore family, my parents, Aida and Frank, and Scott and Michelle joined us for Nikolas's christening in Wellesley. He was such a good boy during the ceremony.
Afterwards we all went to Grandma and Grandpa Moore's house for a lobster cookout in they backyard and spent the rest of the day there in beautiful weather. The family noticed what joy Nikolas takes in being bounced on his feet. The boy is an exercise machine! He loves jumping and shows it by smiling these huge smiles and yelling out shrills of pure excitement.
Scott thought that WE did the work in bouncing him until he picked him up himself and realized that it was really Nikolas who did all the work in jumping and wouldn't stop for hours if we let him!!!!!
July 22nd
Robb went to a conference for a couple of days and Aida, Frank, Nikolas and I drove to Boston this morning to meet with my parents and see the city. We started out in Copley Square, visited the park at the end of it where we met with Atosa, Omid and their baby Amiti. Later in the day my parents drove off to the airport and the rest of us took a guided bus tour around the city. Nikolas was surprisingly calm sitting in his car seat on the bus or in my arms, but eventually he did get bored and played by snatching my glasses! They were so close to flying out the window too if Aida hadn't saved them! We ended the night in some Italian restaurant in the North End.
July 23rd
It's Robb's and my wedding anniversary and Nikolas's 5th month!
Too bad Robb is still in Ottawa. Nikolas and I spent a relaxing day in Wellesley with Grandma, Grandpa, Lisa and little Sean. Sean and Nikolas are old buddies by now. Sean calls him 'baby' and looks for him as soon as he wakes up every morning, it's very cute.
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