Nikolas: "I teached my own self." (on how to swing on a swing)
Nikolas tells Michael how to eat cherries: "Jedes, jedes, i onda pljunes." (You eat and eat, and then you spit it out.)
Mikica, sitting on the potty with a book in his hands: 'Sjedim u kaki i citam.' (I'm sitting in poop and reading.)
When they are done with a meal, Sonja says 'Ja gotov!' (I'm done, in male voice), and Mikica 'Ja gotova! (same, in female voice)
Catching up with early December, here is Michael, our Harry Potter on the broom:

Fall spirit:

The twins are beginning to get a grip over Nikolas's bike with training wheels:

Baka came for a weekend visit:

On December 20th, Nikolas has his first piano recital in Thomas Center in Gainesville. He played the scale and 'Cockerel' song, and he did great!

Just a few photos of Sonja and Mikica:

For Christmas we drove to Dallas to meet with Robb's family at Mike and Cynthia's. On the way, we stopped and spent a night in New Orleans. The kids got to see Burbon street on the way to Cafe du Monde where we went in the morning for some good coffee and beignes (which the kids didn't like, how is that possible???!) served by some of the worst waitresses in the world.

The kids enjoyed seeing a horse carriage:

Here we are in the water park inside the hotel where we stayed in Dallas:

The kids loved spending time with cousins, grandma and grandpa. They didn't even touch the toys that we brought along because they were too busy with family activities. Nikolas was always somewhere near Dana this time, and the twins mingled with everyone.
Here are some photos from the aquarium near our hotel, where Mikica was particularly mesmerized by the sting rays:

At the playground:

Cedar Kay, right after the return from Dallas:

Nikolas's class at Brentwood (he is second to the last on the right, next to his best buddy, Dylan) :