Sonja rides the battery-operated car and also loves to sit behind Nikolas on the skateboard.
I love Nikolas's experimentation with usage of words. Some expressions don't work in English: 'Ni u sud' (Da se nisi usudio.) Mama, jesi li ti sad dobra/sretna na mene? (suprotno od ljuta na mene). He tells me, 'Sad cu da gledam crtani na DVD-u, je li jasno?' ('Now I'll watch a cartoon on DVD, is that clear?') Once, shortly after we corrected some English mistake he made, he responded, 'I didn't said nothing.' Oh, no...
At night, when I tuck him in bed, he still sits up (just after I straightened the blanket on top of him, the way he wants it), and kisses me on both cheeks several times and often on mouth and says, 'To je bila muzika poljubaca.' (This was the music of kisses.) Part of the nighttime routine is that I cover him with two blankets, stretched neatly over him. He's been using a large one for a while until he rediscovered one of his old blankets that just barely covers him, but he wants it anyway. And if I accidentally leave the closet door open, he reminds me to close it before I even kiss him good night. Too neat and organized.... it shows when he plays too: he often lines up his cars and trucks in a line--but then he can also make unbelievable mess in the living room and his room... we are working on cleaning up, and the effort is catching on.
The school is teaching them about dinosaurs these days. He recently asked me what extinct meant and one evening as I was reading a dinosaur book to him he started singing a song about dinosaurs! That was the first time he showed me something new they he actually learned in school--it's finally not all about playing with trucks and sand! He is also branching away from his so far the best friend Aagneya. For a few weeks he actually said they weren't friends anymore and didn't want him around but instead asked for Dylan and Nate. Plus he said a couple of times that he dreamed about Audrey and that he is sad when she won't play with him. Watching the girls in Nikolas's class at this age, it's amazing to notice the dynamics: the girls are already cliquish, they hug and kiss each other as they meet in the morning, they pay attention at what they wear, etc.
On the subject of dinosaurs again, he put together a train track with the train on it and lined up his dinosaur toys alongside the track, calling it 'dinosaur train' (the kids' program on TV)! He knows various types of dinosaurs (probably better than I do!). It's amazing how quickly he (ok, kids his age) remembers facts and new words: paleontologist, archeologist... Since we came back from Disney World for his birthday, he's been talking about it every day. Now he is making a lego castle from Disney World (a pretty elaborate one too), and he often mentions the jungle ride where he got scared but know that those are 'pretend animals'. He also mentions the pirate ride that scared him too, but I can see he can't wait to go back again!