As long as Nikolas wasn't on the mission to tip the water fountain over, he, Mica and I lounged around lazily in the backyard in the perfect Santa Barbara weather. Here's Nikolas practicing putting on a hat (kapa, as he learned to call it).

A friendly neighbor's cat helped him learn the real word for cat (maca), instead of what he used earlier (mai, equivalent to miaw). Another new word from this trip was pizza. It's very cute the way he says both 'maca' and 'pizza'.
In the afternoons we usually drove downtown to Mica and Lela's favorite coffee shop on State St., where coffee sipping and people watching would have been even more enjoyable had Nikolas been a bit more patient in the stroller. So much for the plan to stroll downtown and along the beach....he figured, if he was already forced to sit in a coffee shop, he might as well devour an iced green tea latte that I was going to drink but barely got any of it after Nikolas was done drinking and spilling most of the rest all over his clothes.