I babysat Audrey's little girl Emma for a couple of hours this afternoon. I was curious to see how the kids would get along now that Emma is walking at 14 months. They are about the same size (Nikolas a pound or so heavier), but last time they hung out together Emma was interested in climbing everything although she couldn't walk yet, and Nikolas still just sat there--so they couldn't really play together. I had to watch non-stop that Emma's fingers wouldn't end up on Nikolas' eyes where they were always somehow headed.
This time, though, both kids were very mobile. True, Emma gets up and walks a lot, but Nikolas stands up too. And they like the same toys. Emma's stacking cups were the most popular item. They shared them too! Neither one of them acted like a spoiled selfish kid like some other kids of similar age, which was a pleasant surprise. I'm still learning about and, hopefully, helping Nikolas develop right character traits. Two hours went by in a snap. We should really get these kids together more often.

Our little son is at a new stage now. He is not a baby that he was at 3,4,5 months. Once he started rolling over and crawling, major changes began, but now that he stands up and understands the world around him better and knows why he stood up in the first place (there was something he wanted to see or reach), I see a whole person in front of me, not just a helpless creature. His personality is showing up. He understands 'no', which I try to pronounce much but instead to pull him away from what he is doing and tell him why he is not supposed to do it. He also cries 'crocodile tears' and turns his lips down barely keeping a sly smile off his face when I take a toy from him (or rather, the remote control or something like that). Luckily his angry cries don't last long and a little bit of distraction can bring the giggles back. He enjoys peekaboo with both me and Robb. He recognizes us, grandparents, and great-grandpa...he must have recognized Mina and the kids because I don't remember seeing the questioning expression on his face when we used to visit each other in L.A. He loves music--always pauses and listens to the sound of music or drumming (oh and drumming he loves to do himself!). When I say bum, bum, bum, while I carry him, he bounces in my arms and pounds my chest with both hands rhythmically, giggles and shrieks.
He still focuses more on faces and words than on movements of adults: he watches me carefully as I recite to him while I feed him in his highchair, but when I sing songs that involve hand motions (Tasi, tasi, tanana), or when I wave to him, he can care less. I'm surprised that his hand control is as good as it is--he can already grab little objects with his thumb and index finger, be it strings or any sort or baby snack food the size of Cheerios that I gave to him just the other day for the first time. As for snacks, he hasn't learned yet that he is supposed to eat these baby crackers so he plays with them and grinds them with fingers; he will eat them when I put them in his mouth although he still looks surprised as he chews them.
He is very interested in moving and exploring the area, particularly places that require crawling underneath something--even as we sit in the middle of the living room, he will crawl under my bent knees to get around me! And, of course, he knows what he is not supposed to touch (wires, wheels of strollers etc, NordicTrack...) and he immediately goes just for those objects. He will persistently pass through any obstacle in the way, it's amazing to watch. Using bar stools and chairs and barricades doesn't always work anymore. And when he spits up on the floor, he will *always* smear it with his hands and then crawl right through it! I can just look at his knees and shins to know if I need to look for a mess somewhere on the floor....
A few recent photos:
October 30th
Showing off the outfit he got from Karen and James:

It's so much more fun to be *under* the high-chair than strapped in it!

Did I hear you say that I shouldn't squeeze in between the sofa and the fence? Oh, OK... Let me do it anyway.

Little gangsta:

Can you see the two bottom teeth?

Look at my freshly painted room :)

October 27th
We met with Kathy and Isa in the park.
Check this out, girls are literally throwing themselves on me!

And I sure know how to scare them away!