Friday, February 15, 2008

Cow's milk, etc.

I decided to start Nikolas on cow's milk: he had it in oatmeal, no problem there, but when I replaced water with milk in his sippy cup, he refused it after a couple of sips. He still exclusively uses the straw cup and apparently only if it's filled with water,while the other cup with handles that he is supposed to tilt he won't use because he still has to figure out that tilting is required to get anything out of it.

Let's see, some typical behavior for this period would be:
  • He walks around the house and barely ever crawls anymore.
  • He especially loves it when mommy is on the floor with outstretched arms--he literally runs to me with bright eyes, super-excited smile and shrills, until he throws himself into my arms! He'll then walk away and do it again, several times.
  • He points all around to various object as he says something that I guess is supposed to be his word for the object. Not necessarily do those words vary very much, but he waits for me or daddy to confirm (to say the actual name of the thing) before he points to the next. He starts doing this first thing in the morning when I pick him up from the crib--he is immediately ready to go with his naming game!
  • He gives great hugs! He will hug you while you carry him, or even through the crib rods or the gate.
  • He will also gently put his cheek on your leg when you sit next to him, just to cuddle for a moment. He not only does this with me and Robb, but little girls his age too :) He will give them a hug and place his cheek on their arm or back or whatever he is next to.
  • He got a truck from Grandma and Grandpa that he quickly learned how to climb on, and he already knows how to push off and ride around on it. Ascending and descending the truck is regularly followed by a glance towards mommy to make sure that the success has been noted by her.
  • His favorite games are stacking games. Stacking cups are the favorite: he will put them inside one another, stack a few on top of each other, fill them with other object that fit. In lack of cups, such as when he sits in the high chair, he will stack chunks of carrot and celery! He will do this so gently and carefully, the way I'd never expect of a one-year-old.
  • When we toss a ball to one another he aims well and judges the distance properly too. The soccer ball that I got him is a bit too big for him and he prefers ones he can hold in his hands. Mina's Kiki, we hear, runs around the house kicking a ball, while Nikolas prefers to pick a ball up and toss it or look for places where he can fit it or balance it. Surprising for a kid who started using his feet long before he discovered his hands.
Signature crossed feet:
The laptop serves as a pretty comfortable talking chair:
Nikolas checking out the birthday girl, Isa:
Not another picture, you are embarrasing me in front of other kids at the birthday party!
Not so sure whether I should laugh or cry....
But running into mommy or daddy's arms always brings smile to my face:

Sunday, February 10, 2008

walking (swinging and sliding too) and eating 100% grown-up food

Nikolas is officially done nursing! He is a toddler now, not an infant anymore.
This morning (2/10) he decided that he wanted to nurse after breakfast, I let him try, but he discovered that there was nothing there anymore! Anyway, I knew he didn't really need the milk, he just noticed the source and realized that it's been a while since he had it, but when he couldn't pull any, he gave me a shocked and a bit desperate look, then tried the other side, found that there was nothing there either (or the flavor changed?), and then he started pulling, hitting, crying, trying again, getting completely desperate and angry or offended as if I didn't allow him to have what's his at all times... it was sad... yes, it made me cry too.

He is starting to be possessive with toys and when mommy gives attention to other kids, which is another characteristic of a toddler. He has always been so easygoing until now. However, when I took him to Orlando with Jen and little Abby and when we brought the kids to play in the grass, they had episodes of screaming at each other and pulling some wooden sticks from each other's hands. It was a surprise to me. Then also when I babysat Isa the other night, I sat with her on the floor and gave her kisses, and Nikolas was there in a snap, moving right between us and hugging me tightly around my neck. If I gave food to Isa, he was right there again, although he had just eaten his dinner.

Leave it, Abby, that's mine!
I'll share this time :)
Mommy, I can walk without your help!
In the store stroller (and outside the car seat) for the first time during our outing in Orlando:
He now wears shoes outside because he is always up on his feet! We regularly visit a couple of parks with lots of grass as well as slides and swings (we've tried those too!).